


It's been a couple of months since this new type of learning was implemented. And we're half way to finish this school year. This modular learning this the new way of learning during this pandemic. It made me realize how education is so important, but safety should be important too, that is why we are studying inside our homes. 

Learning by me, myself, a I can be easier in some ways but also difficult in some other ways. However, we can learn lessons by myself, but sometimes there are lessons that i cannot understand, and sometimes there are lessons that i can understand just a little bit of it. Some of the instructions on our module that isn't clear, and some of the lessons aren't on the concept notes, then internet is needed. 

In our subject(ICT), i learned how to create html files. I learned how to use html tags in different ways. And i also learned how to create and apply different things on html.

We all can say that studying during this time is a lot difficult, and challenging. In this next quarter, i will focus more on my study to understand more about every lessons. Studying is our way on our future. Just take a rest, and never quit
