Do You Juana?

Women, sometimes describes as weak, small, coward, and other more. Women before just stays at home and take care on their childrens, but at this time most womens have work like police, doctor, lawyer, engineer, and a lot more. We can say that women before and right now have a huge difference.

Women before are more on becoming a housewife. They stays at home to take care of their children and their house. They let their husband to do thw work, to have some money for their family needs. They can do only small things outside their house. Bringing food to their husband at the farm, cleaning their house, washing dishes, and other household chores. Traditional women strive to have that nuclear family, a husband, children and uphold values that some people would see as old fashioned today. Traditional women have this religious background as compared today. Most womens before are more religious. And most women before are innocent and no bad habit.

Modern women can still be religious or spiritual. Women at this days are hardworking that they work 24/7 for their family. Some families, only the mother have work and the father stays at home. Women today can be a leader like president that can lead a town and even a country. Women isn't just a women, they can also do what can a men do. Women today cannot be describe as weak, small, coward, or anything else. Today, women is a fighter that they can fight all battles that all men before can do it. Cause we live in a world that has no limits that we can do what we want, whatever your gender is, men or women. 


Before, women only stay at home just to look at thoose children and to manage the house but for now they also want to provide for the family also not just because they are woman its because they are capable of the work and others says women cant do what man can but their is a lot of girls proved that thoose sayings are definity wrong.

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