
Showing posts from June, 2021

Every Second Sunday of May

Image In our homes, we have our heroes, our father, and mother. They are the one who makes us grow. Mother, one of our heroes. The one that supports children in everything. But what is mother's day? What do we do during mother's day?  Mother's day celebration was celebrated during the second sunday of may. We show our care and love for our mothers. We give them importance during this day. We even give them some gifts, like flowers, cakes, foods, and other stuffs that we want to give to them. Mothers are one of the material before we can say that the h

Festival Of Arts

Image Y0j5gtUVoAHAAeACAAYQCiAGxEJIBBjAuMTMuMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=OA7dYIuIIIe00QS6saHoBg&bih=598&biw=360&client=ms-android-oppo&prmd=inv#imgrc=VI6FKC8WifJ2QM Traditions had change a lot in this time, the time when pandemic came. Peace and silence. No more happy gathering like festivals. But did the Binatbatan Festival of Vigan are still celebrated during this pandemic? Binatbatan, the festival during the last week of april to first week of may every year. This is the festival of art. The festival began when an epidemic killed 934 residents in a month in 1882. The epidemic started November 12 and ended December 15. This happened 30 years after a chapel was built in 1852 in the cemetery of Vigan. Binatba

Do You Juana?

Women, sometimes describes as weak, small, coward, and other more. Women before just stays at home and take care on their childrens, but at this time most womens have work like police, doctor, lawyer, engineer, and a lot more. We can say that women before and right now have a huge difference. Women before are more on becoming a housewife. They stays at home to take care of their children and their house. They let their husband to do thw work, to have some money for their family needs. They can do only small things outside their house. Bringing food to their husband at the farm, cleaning their house, washing dishes, and other household chores. Traditional women strive to have that nuclear family, a husband, children and uphold values that some people would see as old fashioned today. Traditional women have this religious background as compared today. Most womens before are more religious. And most women before are innocent and no bad habit. Modern women can still be religious or spirit

Near End

Image It's been a while since the new type of learning started. And it is almost done in just a couple of weeks. But what do I learn during third quarter or third grading in ict? What are the problems I encountered? Are there any challenges? During third quarter, the lesson was all about Community-Base Project. This is a research or mini informations about your community. Maybe it's all about the place or the product. Lack of information, one of the problem that i encounter because not all informations that I wanted is present in the internet or google. Some informations may not be accurate. Time was also one of my problems, maybe I just didn't manage my time. My biggest challenge was all about the gathering of informations to complete my Commun

A Weapon For Freedom?

Image Cure, it is what everyone wanted. Vaccine is the only way to end this pandemic, in the world. This why they focus to make it. Does this vaccine effective? Can vaccination be required to all of us? Do you want to get vaccinated? Pandemic starts a year ago. Many things changed and differ as compared before the pandemic. All actions are limited. And the only way to end this was to have a vaccine that can fight the virus called "Corona." A couple of months ago, many type of vaccines was created, some are from china and other countries. Some of it was tested a